Online Church and Virtual Communion

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In this episode Cory and Trent discuss online church and if it’s possible to truly “gather” online. They discuss that a church is a group of disciples who necessarily and regularly gather together. They also discuss the ability pastors through have to minister to families by providing resources (live-streaming worship and sermons) to encourage family worship. Cory and Trent also give their opinions on the phenomenon of “virtual communion.”

Quotes from podcast:

Cory: “Legalism has always been easier to run to than grace.” “What a great celebration it’s going to whenever we get back together as a church.” “In the Lord’s Supper there is not only a looking back at the sacrifice of the Lamb, but a looking forward to the marriage supper of the Lamb.”

Trent: “Online church is sort of an oxymoron, yet, church leaders can help minister to families through live-streaming worship services to provide an online resources to encourage family worship.” “Church leader, you must be careful. If you’re instructing those watching your online livestream to partake in the Lord’s Supper with whatever they have at hand, you may be simultaneously communicating to your church the elements, the gathering, and the recipients don’t matter. Especially when you laugh about the Cheetos and Gatorade you used. Consider the wrong elements and the wrong elements brought by Nadab and Abihu that led to their death in in Leviticus 10.”

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