Elders Part 2: 10 Things About an Elders Relationship to the Church They Serve
In this second episode about elders in the local church, Cory and Trent discuss a list of 10 important facts about elders and the local churches they serve.
1. Elders lead the local church.
2. Elders are always a plural group.
3. Elders must meet and maintain certain character qualifications that pertain to their life, leadership, and love.
4. Elders primary task is leading the church through the ministry of the Word and prayer.
5. Elders are affirmed by their local church in becoming an elder.
6. Elders are supported by their local church by their respect and financial support.
7. Elders are submitted to by their local church because they are serving a role designed by God to care for His sheep.
8. Elders may be removed by their local church for abuse of power, misconduct, etc.
9. Elders, while they may serve specific ministries in the church based upon their giftings and matters of prudence, are all primarily given oversight over the whole church.
10. Elders will give an account to God for how they steward their God-given position.